Ash Wednesday Starts Lent on February 10

Ash Weds


Lenten services this year will focus on the theme, “Coming to Our Senses: Opening Ourselves to God.”  This Lenten season we will explore the call to come to our senses and open our whole lives to God.  Daily devotions will be posted on this website and Facebook to remind us that God does not remain an abstract idea at a distance. Thankfully, God became flesh and comes to us still in ways we can touch, taste, see, hear and smell. We will let our physical senses awaken us to God’s presence, call us to prayer and help us return to God.

IMG_1635Ash Wednesday Worship will be February 10 at 7:00 pm.  We will share in Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Lenten midweek services which follow Ash Wednesday will be held at 5:30 pm on subsequent Wednesdays February 17-March 16.  The order of service will be shared using Holden Evening Prayer.  The liturgical color for paraments, the weavings, pastor’s stole, and entry door wreaths will be purple. Worship will be followed by Lenten Soup Suppers in the Fellowship Hall.


The Lenten Puppet Ministry will be held after Wednesday Night Lent Worship.  Congregation member Sue Blair will offer children 1-10 years old a quick mini Lenten message and song just after our half hour worship is over.