AMMPARO Welcome Statement


AMMPARO is the Evangelical  Lutheran Church in America strategy to 

Accompany Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities

In Spanish, the word amparo means protection, refuge, or shelter. Since 2016, AMMPARO has been the holistic, whole church commitment by the ELCA as a church in the world to accompany children and families today and in the future. 

In 2017, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church became an AMMPARO WELCOMING CONGREGATION, the first designated as such in the Northeastern Iowa Synod. The congregation’s commitment to supporting migrants is long-standing, beginning with active assistance for refugees from WWII and southeast Asia in the 1970’s.

In obedience to Matthew 25:35 … I was a stranger and you welcomed me, WELCOMING CONGREGATIONS agree to welcome migrant children and families, listen to their stories with respect and receive the divine blessings that they bring, pray for and share the gospel, provide emotional and spiritual support, accompany migrants to access local and institutional services as needed, and advocate for justice for and with migrant families and children. 

Ways to stay in touch with AMMPARO:

AMMPARO Facebook:

▪ ELCA Advocacy Twitter: @ELCAadvocacy


▪ ELCA Advocacy Connections Monthly Newsletter: 

– Reviewed by Martha Steele, Good Shepherd’s official AMMPARO Representative, May 2022