Stewardship Appeal 2024

LIVING STONES: Building up our Spiritual House 

1 Peter 2:5 – Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Good Shepherd has been blessed with members who value building relationships with each other and reaching out into the community. Our Stewardship Appeal this year focuses on being Living Stones … on building the foundations to grow together within our faith community and reaching out into our neighborhoods.

  • Through creative staffing and with the spiritual engagement of our members, we are able to hold the line on expenses for next year, with about $10,000 in general inflation adjustments.
  • At the same time, as we grow, we are experiencing generational turnover. We memorialize some of our elder members who have passed away or moved this year. This has an impact on giving at the higher levels, and leaves an income gap projected ~ $15,000.

To keep pace with operational costs and to continue to support this growing and vibrant congregation, the Stewardship Committee is seeking to increase giving by $25,000 above 2023 levels.

Building together requires each of us, with each of our varied gifts, working together to cement a foundation of living stones that will continue to grow.

If many of us can “level up”, that is, move up a level or more on the giving chart, we can renew our support base from within. This leveling up, combined with our increased membership, will enable us to cover this gap. Please prayerfully consider leveling up your giving in the coming year to support our spiritual home together.

Update:  We are grateful the goals of the “Living Stones” 2024 Stewardship Campaign have been met, honoring Pastor Amy Larson’s eight years of ministry at Good Shepherd and reflecting on our spirit of giving as we look to call a new Pastor.