Special Good Shepherd Worship Service, St. Mary’s Chapel, Rochester, Wednesday, August 7, 7:00 pm

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 7:00 p.m. – SPECIAL GOOD SHEPHERD WORSHIP SERVICE IN THE HOSPITAL CHAPEL ON MAYO’S ST. MARYS CAMPUS, ROCHESTERNathan Larson invites us to worship in community with him using the liturgy he loves, Ben Larson’s Behold, I Make All Things New. Brooke Joyce and Pastor Mike Blair will lead worship; Jonathon Struve will serve as cantor; Holy Communion will be served. The Chapel is on the first floor of the Domitilla Building which is on the east side of the St. Marys Campus, 2nd Street, SW. Refer to these links for a map of the St. Marys Campus showing the Chapel’s location and a photo of its interior: www.mayoclinic.org/documents/mc1663-43-pdf/doc-20078875,

www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/minnesota/becoming-a-patient/spiritual-religious-services There is an entrance to the Domitilla Building on 2nd Street; on-street parking in the area; and an underground parking ramp accessed near the main entrance (refer to the map).