Erik Berg Refurbishes Good Shepherd Sign


Erik Berg has refurbished the Good Shepherd exterior sign after several weeks of painstaking work.  Erik is a professional designer, especially trained to design and create signs.

After the old sign was removed from the base, Erik stripped away mold and mildew with a deck wash product.  He then clamped the pieces of the redwood sign together, using a melding product to strengthen the wood. Redwood lumber donated by neighbor Dean Thompson and treated lumber were affixed to the back of the sign to mount it to the brick base.


Gold leaf was carefully applied with cotton balls to the shepherd’s crook-cross logo to make it glow.  New paint refreshed the sign on all sides.   The name of Pastor Amy Zalk Larson was added as were the new hours for worship services.  Phase two will include adding the ELCA and RIC logos.  The sign was donated by the Sunde family in memory of David Sunde.

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