LED Lighting Initiative is “ON”


The LED LIGHTING INITIATIVE is on the fast track. President Jim Fritz presented details about the INITIATIVE to the Council for approval at the February meeting and to the congregation through its email list and March newsletter. The goal is for ‘re-lamping’ to be completed by April 1, 2015. The result will be a complete change-over to LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights for all interior and exterior lighting at Good Shepherd!

Total cost of the INITIATIVE is $14,000. The $6,000 goal of the FUND DRIVE will fund a substantial portion; rebates, a grant, and budget lines will provide additional funds. Contributions to the FUND will allow Good Shepherd to ‘shine its light’ by turning on better, brighter, and more energy-efficient lights throughout its facilities and future maintenance will be reduced dramatically. Contribution or pledge intents are welcome by April 1, 2015.

This initiative is a strong, viable statement of Good Shepherd’s stewardship of our energy and fiscal resources.

 Additional details about the LED LIGHTING INITIATIVE, the FUND DRIVE and CONTRIBUTION/PLEDGE FORM can be found by checking “Give” link under the Serve/Give tab on the website and in the March 2015 Newsletter.