Faith Formation at Home

Here are two resources to share in faith formation at home and with loved ones via the phone or Zoom. These are good for people of all ages.

Faith5 is a set of five simple practices that allows us to connect with each other, connect with scripture and connect with God. This type of faith conversation can be done each night at home around the dinner table, at bedtime or on the phone or Zoom with others. The practices are:

  • SHARE your highs and lows.
  • READ a Bible verse or story*
  • TALK about the story. What do you notice, do you see any connections with your highs and lows?
  • PRAY for one another’s highs and lowsGo around the circle, each person prays for the person next to them. The prayer can be as simple as “Dear God thank you for the (insert high) and help with (insert low), in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  • BLESS one another. Go around the circle again, each person offers a simple blessing for the person next to them. Ideas: “remember God loves you”, “you are God’s beloved child.” 

*Suggestions for readings. Below are the scriptures that will be the focus for worship. They can also be found in the Spark Children’s Bible.

January 23: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Spark: “Many Members, One Body”, page 542 

January 30: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Spark: “Love Is…”, page 546

February 6: Luke 5:1-11, Spark: “The Disciples”,  page 258 

February 13: Luke 6:17-26, Spark: “The Beatitudes”, page 264

February 20: Luke 6:27-38, Spark: “Love Your Enemies”, page 274

February 27: Luke 9:28-38, Spark: “Transfiguration”, page 358 


You can also connect to the current focus for in person or online worship and children’s sermon. We are focusing on what it means to live as the people of God and to affirm our baptisms using the 5 promises made in the affirmation of baptism service. The first letters of these promises, with an Alleluia, in the middle can spell out the word SPLASH (see below)

Each week during in person and online worship, we will be focusing on one of these 5 promises.  You can do the same for at-home Sunday School. 

S—Serve all people, following the example of Jesus (Jan 23)

P—Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed (an easier to understand phrase might be: Point people to Christ’s love with our words and bodies!) (Jan 30)

L—Live among God’s faithful people (Feb. 6)


S—Strive for justice and peace in all the earth (Feb. 13) 

H—Hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper (Feb. 20)

Each week, talk together about the promises. Here are some questions you could use:

Who do you think about when you hear this promise? Who is a good example of someone living out this promise?

How can living out these promises help us to feel connected to God and other people?

Does this promise remind you of any good or hard times in your life?

How do we live out this promise together as a family? together as the people of Good Shepherd?

Draw pictures and/or collect photos of people doing these things and make a collage.