Congregational Meeting & Vote

There is a brief meeting and vote THIS Sunday, June 5th after worship in the Sanctuary. We want to make sure that we can reach our quorum of 30% of the membership: 82 people. Follow the instructions below to join via Zoom. 
Click here to joinCongregational Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 3467 1603

Passcode: 546768

To join by phone, call: 312 626 6799 and entering the meeting ID and passcode. 

  • You may be prompted to enter the Meeting ID 841 3467 1603 followed by #
  • You may be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. This does not apply to our meeting. Press # to skip.
  • You may be prompted to enter the Meeting passcode 546768 followed by #.

If neither of those options work, you can go to and click on the option to join a meeting. Then type in the meeting ID and passcode:

Meeting ID: 841 3467 1603

Passcode: 546768