“Blessed Memory” on Good Shepherd Website

One of the unanticipated repercussions of having an online congregation directory is that deaths are noted immediately when the names are deleted. It has been pointed out that this can be painful and distressing. To address this problem, Pastor April has suggested that we provide a subheading under the Connect tab on the homepage which leads to the link “Blessed Memory.”

Names at this site are posted in memory of individuals who were members of Good Shepherd or who were former pastors. Names are removed from the Good Shepherd online directory after the individual’s death and immediately added to this page. Following the ancient practice of mourning the death of a loved one for a year and a day, the names will be removed using that timeline.   Details about the individuals can be found by entering the name in the search box on the website or by clicking on the link for the Good Shepherd blog and scrolling back to the approximate date of death.